Meet the Team

Dr. Jamy Antoine



In 2010, Dr. Antoine switched his practice from a traditional Chiropractic office to a Disc, Nerve, and Joint Specialty Clinic after a neck MRI revealed six bulging and herniated discs in his neck. He had tried – unsuccessfully- for years – to manage and improve his neck pain using traditional chiropractic,

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traction, massage, and other treatments. In 2010, he underwent specific disc therapy, and achieved remarkable results with his own spine – and has been pain-free for over 11 years. Since 2010, he has helped thousands of patients regain their life and avoid surgery by using his trademarked treatment programs at Select Health Pain & Regenerative Solutions.

He specializes in these spinal disc problems:

  • Bulging, Herniated, Degenerative Discs
  • Stenosis
  • Sciatica
  • Facet and Joint Degeneration
  • Numbness in the hands or feet due to disc damage

Dr. Antoine has received extensive additional training and is Board Certified in Neuropathy.  Our Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Plan in Edina, MN offers specialized treatments for peripheral neuropathy – nerve damage in the feet or hands which can lead to these symptoms:

  • Numbness/Burning pain
  • Diabetic Nerve Pain
  • Leg Cramping
  • Sharp, electric-like pain
  • Pain when you walk
  • Difficult sleeping due to leg and foot discomfort
  • Prickling or tingling in the hands & feet

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Dr. James Eschiti,


Dr. Eschiti received his undergraduate degree in Education from the University of Central Oklahoma. He completed his Doctorate of Chiropractic in 2002 at Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Bloomington, MN. Dr. Eschiti specializes in Sports Medicine. After Chiropractic school, he completed the post graduate program for CCSP and became a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician. Dr Eschiti is also a certified personal trainer through the National Council of Strength and Fitness.   His hobbies include biking, hiking and spending time with his family.

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