Sanexas is a treatment used to aid in the relief of symptoms of neuropathy. This device is one of the many treatments we use to help the countless patients we have helped lead a more fulfilling life with less pain. Seneaxas is a safe, effective, non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical treatment for pain, circulation and neuromuscular rehabilitation. Our Edina, Minnesota based practice is proud to offer our patients this Sanexas treatment services in the Twin Cities area.
When you have numbness, tingling, pain, weakness, or balance problems, your quality of life will suffer. Our goal is to help you discover a real solution for your peripheral neuropathy, bulging, herniated, degenerative disc, back or neck pain, knee, shoulder or hip problem, or any other acute or chronic joint condition. Very often we look to Sanexas as a treatment and rehabilitation option for our chronic pain patients.